Award-winning Publishers Weekly Best-selling Author

Perseverance wins!

by | Apr 29, 2013 | | Still True Today | 5 comments

Murray crumbled the inter-office memo into a ball and threw it across the room. “How can the owner do this to us? After all we’ve accomplished?”

Aiden slumped back in his chair. “I don’t know, but the workers aren’t happy. They’re wavering, Murray.”

“What do you mean?”

“The boss has ordered double shifts without breaks. Plus, he’s cut back on manpower but still expects the jobs to get done in the same time period.”

“That’s impossible.”

“We all know it, but he doesn’t care.” Aiden fiddled with the pens on his desk.

Murray leaned forward. “What aren’t you telling me?”

“I was hoping I didn’t have to tell you this, but the workers don’t want to follow you any longer. They say you’ve made the owner angry with all your demands and he’s taking it out on them.”

Murray jumped out of his chair. “What? After all the projections and obstacles I’ve removed for them?”

“I know. They say you’ve ruined everything.”

Murray hung his head.

I’ve given up so much for them and this is the gratitude I get?

He sighed. What should he do next? Quit? He clenched and unclenched his fists.

No, that wasn’t an option. “Aiden, we’ll just have to prove to the workers that this is the only way. We’ll find that miracle and convince the owner to let us go.”

I’m not giving up. Not now.

What happens when our well thought out plans start falling apart? Do we give up? Start over? For Moses, the people’s support began to waver even after all the miracles. Check out the next part of the story.

Moses gave up everything. Once Moses had surrendered to God’s calling, he packed up his family and possessions, took a risk, and headed back to Egypt—a place where he had been wanted for murder. What does that tell us about this man? He was dedicated to doing God’s work even in the tough times of uncertainty. Are we? When things go wrong and no one seems to care, do we give up or keep going? How about we follow Moses’ example!


Moses stood up to Pharaoh. Moses knew God’s plan was to lead the people out of Egypt and even though Pharaoh intimidated him, he pressed on. He stood his ground for the people. Is there someone we need to stand up to? It’s tough, but there are times when it’s necessary. Knowing when to concede or persist is difficult. Pray for guidance.

Moses persevered. The Israelites wouldn’t listen to Moses. He got discouraged, but who wouldn’t? However, even after all the obstacles in his path, we know that this man’s perseverance was admirable. He knew God’s plan and didn’t give up.

Are we struggling to persevere? Is there something in our lives we’re wavering with right now that we need to lay before God and keep going? Someone we need to stand up to?

Let’s remember how Moses reacted because we know how the story ends. He led the Israelites out of Egypt.

Perseverance wins!

What’s your perseverance story? Did you almost give up? Share with us.

Habakkuk 2:3 (NIV)

“For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.”

Never Give Up (by Yolanda Adams)


  1. kfday2013

    Darlene, Just to let you know I received your e-mail. I haven’t read it yet but will when Ken gets up. This is so great. Not only will I enjoy your work, but I feel this is the best way to keep in touch. Ken and I both think you and Jeff are so very special. God loves you and so do we.

  2. susan steeves

    I Love the Title “Perseverance Wins” and Murray phase-“we’ll find that miracle!” I love this as God gives us miracles everyday that we don’t see, but Murray claims it here in the story. We need to do that and then ~BELIEVE~
    Awesome job Sissy!!!

    • Darlene L. Turner

      We see miracles but we don’t “see” them, do we? They’re all around us.

  3. Diane Spearing

    Thanks Dar.. perfect timing on this one.


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