Award-winning Publishers Weekly Best-selling Author

Stocking Fun!

by | Dec 13, 2010 | | Christmas Traditions & Thoughts | 2 comments

The house was still, we were nicely tucked into our beds, but Susan and I were wide awake. Not sure what Murray was doing.

“Can you see anything?” I asked.

Susan shone the flashlight towards the door, illuminating the stuffed stocking hanging on the door knob. “Yup, they’re full. Santa came!”

I sat up in my bunk bed. “But I can’t see anything. I think I need to go to the bathroom.” I got up, tippy-toed to the door and peered into my stocking as I made my way to the bathroom. She was right…Santa did come. Our stockings were filled to the top. I didn’t look too closely because I didn’t want to spoil the surprise for the morning. The anticipation of everything kept us awake.

I came back to bed. “I can’t sleep.”

Susan sat up. “Me neither. Let’s play cards.” I climbed up into her bunk and we shone the flashlight as we giggled our way through the game. Would morning ever come?

Christmas Eve was always a special time for my family. We went to our church service, came home, and put all the presents under the tree (except the special ones from the big guy). Next, we left Santa his snack before heading off to bed.

We would fall asleep for a few hours, but then in the early hours of the morning be wide awake anticipating what was hanging on our door knobs and the presents under the tree.

My favourite part of Christmas morning was opening my stocking. Once Mom and Dad finally said it was time to get up, we bolted out of our beds, removed our socks from the door knob, and headed down to our parent’s bedroom. We gathered on their bed and started opening. You see, everything in our stockings was wrapped. It made it fun!

The stocking is still my favourite part of Christmas morning (other than of course the reason WHY we celebrate!). I love opening all the little surprises every year! I have carried this tradition on with Jeff and I. It’s the first thing we do every Christmas morning. So fun! And yes, much to his dismay Jeff does wrap everything!

Even though the socking is fun, we must remember—without Jesus we wouldn’t even be celebrating. Happy Birthday Jesus!

Luke 2:13-14 (NIV)

Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favour rests.”


  1. susan steeves

    It is so neat to read about the memories we share!!!Those were special times and I as you know I carry on the same tradition at my house.

    Do you suppose we can have the flashlights and cards ready when I arrive on “Dec. 24th” next Sunday?? Love ya Lots Sue

  2. Darren Steeves

    Great memory. I can just imagine you and Susan doing that. And yes I am sure Jeff “loves” that tradition of wrapping ever single pencil and eraser, in the stocking as I do


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