Donny trudged up the stairs and slipped his backpack from his shoulder. It fell with a thud.
His mother turned from the sink of dirty dishes. “Bad day at school?”
“Jim lost his battle with cancer.”
His mother rushed over and wrapped her arms around him. “Honey, I’m so sorry. I know you were close.”
A tear fell down his cheek. “That’s not all Mom. His father was killed in a freak accident.”
His mother pulled back. “What?”
“Yes, he was fixing their tractor and it slipped out of gear. It rolled over him.”
His mother gasped. “Oh my.”
Donny plopped into a nearby chair. He buried his head in his hands and cried. “Man, that’s too much for one family to take. I heard they’re doing the funerals together.”
He straightened. “I need to do something for them.”
“Wasn’t the father the one who always gave you a hard time during your basketball games?”
“Yes and I still don’t know why he didn’t like me, but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t help.”
His mother picked up her dishtowel and dried a bowl. “That’s admirable of you. What did you have in mind?”
Donny tapped his finger on his chin. His eyes widened. “I know. His younger brother Michael has down’s syndrome and Jim used take him to watch hockey games every Saturday. Jim told me it was the highlight of Michael’s week. His mother won’t have time with the younger twins, so I can do it.”
“But don’t you normally have plans on Saturdays?”
“I can do this, Mom. For Jim.”
She smiled. “You’re a good friend. I’m proud of you.”
“It’s the least I can do.”
I remember teaching the story of David and Mephibosheth in back yard Bible clubs. The hardest part of that story was pronouncing his name. Say it with me… Mea-fib-a-sheth. See, not so hard when you take it slow. ☺
It’s a beautiful story of David’s kindness. He grieved when he found out about the deaths of Saul and Jonathan. Then he remembered his promise to Jonathan—to look after his family.
How often do you do random acts of kindness? I confess that I don’t do them enough. I bet you’re the same.
Why is that? The biggest reason is we’re too busy and get caught up in our own little worlds. We shut out those in need.
What can we learn from David?
David fulfilled his promise. Before Jonathan and David parted ways they promised to be friends forever. And with each other’s descendants. Even after everything he went through, David remembered the vow he made to his best friend and acted on it. Have you made a promise to someone you need to keep?
David reached out. He didn’t just think about it, David inquired about Jonathan’s family. He could have kept mourning, but he put aside his hurt and extended kindness to someone less fortunate. Let’s follow David’s example and just do it!
David treated Mephibosheth as one of his own. He brought this crippled boy into his home. Mephibosheth was a stranger, but David didn’t care. He treated him like royalty and tended to his every need. How could we do this? Maybe open our home to a new neighbor. Or give a homeless person a meal. Doesn’t mean we have to bring someone in to live with us, but think of innovative acts you could bestow on those in need. Or just because.
Is it easy to do random acts of kindness? It can be. Maybe we make it too complicated. It doesn’t have to be. How about considering doing the following:
– next time you walk by a homeless person give them a loonie or a toonie and trust God to do the rest
– write a note of encouragement to a friend
– buy a coffee for a stranger next time you’re in Starbucks or Tim Hortons
– make a batch of muffins (or cookies) and take them to your new neighbor (or one you’ve known for years!)
– visit a shut-in
These are just a few ideas. There are many more! Be creative.
How about we reach out with kindness like David? Just because.
Share a time when someone bestowed a random act of kindness on you? Or add to my list above. Any suggestions on how we can be creative? I’d love to hear from you!
2 Samuel 9:7a (NIV)
“Don’t be afraid,” David said to him, “for I will surely show you kindness for the sake of your father Jonathan.”
Try a Little Kindness – Glenn Campbell
I thought this song was perfect for my blog. I know not all my readers like country music, but this song will get your toe tappin’ and make you want to go out and try a little kindness! Enjoy!
I love Random Acts of Kindness. Years ago when I was going through a rough time someone left eight bags of groceries on my doorstep. I later figured out who it was but they never confessed to their act of kindness. Then, when I successfully self-published my poetry devotional book, someone left a hand-crafted note in the front door of the church where I worked. I never figured that one out. Since then, I watch for opportunities to reciprocate acts of kindness. The Holy Spirit will always nudge you in the right direction when the time is right. Thanks for sharing, Dar.
Two great stories! So cool. Thanks for sharing Loretta!
well my son received an act of kindness from a very special couple who gave my son an beautiful queen size bedroom set. What a blessing and I pray for them to be blessed in their lives. What I have done and done several times is taken meals over to people who God brings to mind randomly. That makes me feel so good to do.
It was that couple’s pleasure to give it to Eldon! 🙂 Great idea about taking meals to people who come to mind. Awesome ministry! I’m sure they’ve enjoyed your good cooking! Good for you!
He speaks through random acts of kindness. 🙂