She ripped the toy from another shopper’s hand. “It’s mine. I saw it first.”
The woman’s eyes narrowed and grabbed the prize back. “Oh, no you didn’t. I did.”
“Hey,” she said, her voice raising an octave.
One tugged. The other cursed and pulled on the end of the toy.
And so began their tug-of-war.
Over a toy.
The above scene could be taken out of the movie Jingle All the Way, but it’s also real. Just Google Black Friday shopping mobs on the Internet and you’ll find similar scenes. People fighting over deals—pushing and shoving. The police have even had to intervene in some occasions. So sad.
Christmas is my favorite time of year. It brings out the child in me. I get excited to see the first snowfall. I love putting up my decorations. Watching Christmas movies. The list goes on.
However, it can also bring out the worst in us. Why?
Is it because we forget the real reason we celebrate?
I believe it is.
We get caught up in the busyness of the season—shopping, decorating, baking, socializing, etc. Why do we try and cram so much into such a short season?
It. Has. To. Stop.
Whatever happened to quiet Christmases? Just relaxing by the fire with a hot chocolate staring at the twinkling lights on the tree. Enjoying time with family without the worry of everything being perfect.
Does it really matter?
That’s not what the season is about. The first Christmas started in a lowly manger with nothing but animals and a still night.
Do you really think Jesus cared that he had freshly ironed sheets in his crib or that the table was set in a certain way? Did Mary and Joseph fight the shoppers to buy Him the latest toy?
They were content to sit in the stillness and enjoy their Savior—the first and best Christmas gift.
What spirit does the season bring out in you? A mad shopper or a child who loves the stillness of the season?
You pick.
Luke 2:11-12 (KJV)
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
How will you spend Christmas this year? In craziness or stillness?
I Need a Silent Night (Amy Grant & Chris Easton)
I know I want a silent Christmas this year. The year has been too stressed and busy. This song is so fitting. Listen to the words.
I love Christmas too! I love the Spirit of Christmas, the excitement, the laughter, the giving. I am a firm believer that the Bible speaks truth when it says “It’s more blessed to give than to receive.” Of course I like gifts, but I’m humbled by the feeling inside when I give to someone who cannot give back. At our house, we always read the Christmas Story from the Bible and pray before one gift is opened. It’s our tradition. Yes…I love the quiet of Christmas.
That’s an awesome tradition, Loretta! Love it. Thanks for sharing.
Agreed. We gave up getting presents a number of years ago. We do the family the food and the fun times. We also know what is special about this day and time of year. Just put up the Creche and new Christmas carollers this year.
Thanks for sharing, Janis. Have a blessed Christmas!!
Love this sissy…we have so many memories as children and adults at Christmas that are PRECIOUS. It’s those memories that remind me to keep it simple…and most importantly reflect on the One who came to save us all.. the Babe of Bethlehem. Love ya Sis
We certainly do!! We’ve carried on many traditions that Mom and Dad did. 🙂
Thanks for this Dar… you always touch my heart
Thanks Di. I appreciate all your encouragement and support!