Picture this…you’re sitting at a restaurant table. You have your iPhone out. It chimes, announcing the arrival of a text. You pick it up and respond.
Your husband is checking Facebook on his tablet in between bites of his meal.
Your youngest is playing a game on his Nintendo.
None of you are talking—only with your fingers.
Sound familiar?
Have you ever wondered if technology is taking over our world too quickly? Think back to ten years ago and how far we’ve come in only that short of a time period. Think ahead ten years. Can you imagine the possibilities?
I’m not sure I want to.
Doesn’t it scare you? It does me.
If we can use technology and be connected the way we can today, what will we do with the knowledge we’ll gain tomorrow?
Recently, I saw the movie Lucy. I’m still debating on whether or not I liked it, but it got me thinking. After a fluke situation, Lucy gains 100% capacity of her brain cells and makes an interesting statement. She says, “It’s like all things that make us human are fading away.”
I believe there’s more fact than fiction to that statement. With each passing year and increasing gigabytes, technology is taking over our thinking. We’re not required to use our brains. The computer will do it for us.
Don’t you think we need to somehow get back to the basics of life?
Don’t get me wrong…I love my technology! It’s just that we can’t let it take over and do our thinking for us. What ever happened to families sitting down and talking instead of texting over the dinner table?
Has it really come to that?
When I started thinking about this concept, I immediately thought of the song by 4Him called Basics of Life. Yes, it’s an oldie but a goodie.
It talks about the same thing. A new day has dawned and we’ve rearranged the way we think. We’ve strayed from what the Bible teaches. Some believe that if we think and try hard enough, we can become gods. The lines have blurred and we’ve crossed them, stepping into dangerous territory.
My favorite line in this song is, “But I still believe in the old rugged cross.” It gives me chill bumps and I pump my fist in the air!
No matter what changes come our way, what technology brings us, or what our minds can comprehend, one thing is certain…
The Rock of Ages will stand.
He never changes.
How about we get back to the basics of life?
It’s where Jesus is.
What are your thoughts on how fast technology is growing? Is it good or bad? Share in the comments section.
Basics of Life – written by Mark Harris and Donald Koch
It’s always a tough one to know how much Is too much. Makes a person question their motives and a good reminder to keep God at the center of our lives whatever we do.
Very true, Kim!! Thanks for sharing!
On some deep level, it bothers me to be at a restaurant and see entire families engrossed in their technology and not communicating directly with each other. In this sense, I think technology is very subtly taking away real human interaction while giving the impression we are more in contract with each other. There may be more frequent contact but much of it is so superficial, it’s almost meaningless.
I love my technology too but, like every other good thing God has led us to, it requires our wisdom and discipline to use it wisely and to honor Him.
Thanks for the reminder of where our focus should be. Basics of Life is one of my favorite 4Him songs.
I hear you and totally agree. I have to admit that I’m guilty of pulling out my phone while at the restaurant! It’s different if that’s what you’re there to do (like my Mystery girlZ book club!), but when families go out we need to focus on being a family and having a conversation. I’ve always loved this song by 4Him! It has a powerful message. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts, Henry!
This is a truth of today’s world I live everyday in my life with 2 tech boys in my home. Thanks for sharing these thoughts and the song which was always my fav from 4Him.Loved listening to it again!
Hi Darlene… great reflection this morning, actually rather poignant as I was answering a security question this morning… “What was your first phone number.” I answered it as 404 and it rejected it as an answer. Yes we have come far and in a short while but like you say we are called to remain focused on HIm…
Hugs and Blessings
Hi Rolly! Yes, we definitely need to remained focused on Him. Thanks for stopping by!