Award-winning Publishers Weekly Best-selling Author

Comfort From the Storm

by | Feb 9, 2015 | | Book/Movie Reviews | 2 comments

Do you like storms? I love to curl up by the fireplace on a stormy day with a good book. Do you?

Well, how about a compilation of stories that center on a storm of some kind? The best of both worlds!

Out of the Storm does just that. It’s an anthology of short stories and has something for everyone. This book is a result of a short story contest where the top four winners were chosen from the following categories:

Contemporary Fiction
Speculative Fiction
Combined Category

out of the stormWhile I enjoyed some stories more than others, each were well written and entertaining. I was caught up in the storyline and wanted to find out how they ended. I didn’t always agree with the choice of the first winner but did agree that all four deserved to be in the book.

Congrats to all the winners!

So grab a cup of hot chocolate, a snuggly blanket, and a copy of Out of the Storm and enjoy a good read!

You’ll find comfort from the storm.

**I received a complimentary e-copy of this book from HopeSpring Books in exchange for my honest review.


  1. Diane Spearing

    Wow Dar.. you and Jeff have definitely been through some storms in life. But then again we all have and trusting is God is all we have to do. It sounds so simple but sometimes it really stretches us. I love you both

    • Darlene L. Turner

      Thanks Di. Yes, this past year has held a lot of storms, but God is good and on His throne! He’s got this, right? Love you xo


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