Ever since I picked up my first Nancy Drew book, I have always loved a good mystery. That’s when my love of writing took hold of my heart. I started writing my own “Mindy Dobson” mystery series! Unfortunately, the spark faded and life happened. I grew up and put my writing on the back burner.
Years flew by and after rough roads, I picked up my pen again. With the spark re-ignited, I joined a writer’s club (WWC – Women Writing for Christ, London, ON) and my passion for writing grabbed my heart. I knew God wanted me to write my story, but it wouldn’t happen right away.
During one of our WWC meetings, a member suggested we attend Write Canada—a writer’s conference here in Ontario. A million thoughts raced through my mind. Did I consider myself a writer? Would I stick out like a sore thumb? Would others laugh at my lack of knowledge? After mulling it over, I finally pulled up my big girl britches and registered. What did I have to lose?
That was the start of my first of many writer’s conferences. And you know what? Nobody laughed at me (I don’t think!). I took away oodles of information and grew as a writer.
It was during the 2010 conference that God hit me over the head with a two-by-four. Not literally of course! I kept hearing the same theme for me over and over. It was something Ann Voskamp said that struck me. She said, “If you write in a place of fear, it’s authentic and the Lord will use it.” Was I too scared to share what was on my heart? Of course, but I felt God’s leading.
So, it was through Ann’s talk and her encouraging words later around the supper table that I started my Dream Believe Fly blog. It started with My Story and grew from there.
This is what can happen at Write Canada!
Plus many other things. Like meeting and having dinner with Ted Dekker! (Lisa, we will always be indebted to you for that one!).
I’ve also had the privilege of meeting other fabulous writers, agents, and editors. Many I now call my friends.
Let’s not forget all of the valuable courses on writing. Thanks to all of the faculty members for putting together the information that helps us writers grow! We are indebted to you.
Yes, Write Canada is definitely the place to be!
You just never know what can happen there. 🙂
Share the experiences you’ve had at writer’s conferences. How has your writing grown from it?
Writers’ conferences are such a great way to grow as writers and to make friends and connections. Hope to see you at Write Canada this year!
They certainly are, Janet! Hope to come. Thanks for stopping by!
Dar I am very very proud of you!
Thanks Di. I appreciate your constant support during my writing journey!! xo
This is a beautiful way to share the journey you have been on. Love all the pics to! Love Sue
Thanks! It’s always fun to go back and reminisce!
Reblogged this on Journey to Joy and commented:
Great post by Darlene L. Turner. I’ve gone to Write Canada for about ten years now, and am planning to go this year also.
Hi Dorene! Thanks for the repost!!