Award-winning Publishers Weekly Best-selling Author

The Key to Everything by Matt Keller

—If you’re willing to discover the key to everything—you’ve already found it.

Do you get tired of others succeeding around you and wonder why you can’t catch a break? What’s their secret and why don’t they share it?the-key book

What if I told you the key was right in front of you?

In his book The Key to Everything, Pastor Matt Keller explains what’s missing in our success stories.

It’s teachability.


I know. I get what you’re thinking. I reacted the same way, but this book came to me right at the perfect time in my life. I was seeing others around me get their “break” and thought it was my turn. The Key to Everything was an encouragement to me.

Mr. Keller describes what teachability is all about with two words—desire and willingness. They go hand in hand. “You can desire something all day long, but unless there is a willingness within you to do something about it, you’ll never change or get better.”

Part 1 of this book talks about the “Roadblocks to Teachability” – these were eye-openers to me. For me the one that hit home was insecurity. Feeling inferior, like an imposter, incapable, and unworthy. Check to all. I began to wonder if the author was reading my mind!

Another huge roadblock is the pace of our lives. I loved this quote, “Everything good in life, including teachability, lives and grows in the margins. And an unhealthy pace eliminates the margins in our lives.” How true is that? Our lives are full to the brim and overflowing because we’re so busy! We have no white space left.

In Part 2, Mr. Keller speaks about the “Characteristics of Teachability.” He looks at five different traits, using King Saul as a reference to bring his points into clearer focus. This is done effectively.key to success

In the conclusion of the book, Part 3, the author gives us some sound advice on “Developing a Lifestyle of Teachability.” In these chapters he gives tips and strategies.

The Key to Everything is well written and easy to read. I loved the humor throughout and especially in the footnotes at the end of each chapter. This is a book you can read quickly or one chapter a day. Mr. Keller encourages you to read one a day. In conclusion, I’ll leave you with this quote from the book.

Teachability is a choice.

Teachability is possible.

And teachability is essential to getting where you most want to go in life.

I give The Key to Everything – you guessed it – FIVE keys! It will unlock your success.

You just have to be willing to open the door.

P.S. Be sure to read the “Thank-You Notes” at the end. They’re entertaining!

**Book has been provided courtesy of The Blog Spot and Thomas Nelson Publishing for an honest review.


I have a copy of The Key to Everything to give away. The contest rules are simple—leave a comment on the blog and you will be entered. Bonus entry– if you leave a comment AND share this post on Facebook you will get two entries (tag me on Facebook or let me know in the comments). Contest closes Saturday, October 3rd at midnight. Enter now! (Open to residents of the USA and Canada only.


  1. Brenda

    Wow! Sounds like a great read. Would be a great time for me to read a book like this:)

    • Darlene L. Turner

      It has lots of valuable information in it! Your name will be in the draw! 🙂

    • Darlene L. Turner

      Yes, it catches your attention! Great book with insightful information.

  2. Diane Spearing

    Thanks Darlene I love your blog!!!!


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