Award-winning Publishers Weekly Best-selling Author

I’m not going to lie. 2015 was a tough year. One I was glad to say good-bye to. Why?

It held a lot of pain and sickness.

We experienced a ton of stress.

I watched those I love suffer.

Don’t get me wrong. It wasn’t all bad! We welcomed a special little boy into our family – Elijah Harrison, found out another baby will be coming into the world in 2016, and we also attended my niece’s wedding.

2015 held both pain and joy.

Every year instead of making New Year’s resolutions, I pick a word. Well, this year I had a hard time choosing between two, so my friend helped me put them into a theme (thanks, Steph!). My two words?



As most of you know, my brother has bone marrow cancer. Our family is praying for a miracle. Will you pray with us—that the Lord will touch Murray with a miraculous healing?

Our family believes that all things are possible through Christ!


Those two words can be applied to many things in life. I’m also applying them to my writing in 2016. Anything is possible . . . I must believe in myself and trust in the One who gave me the gift of writing. I also need to carve out more time, honing the craft so I can learn and strengthen it. I want God to use it for His glory, not mine!

Even though 2015 was a tough year, the one thing I can truly say is through everything God was there, lifting us up. Walking ahead, beside, and behind us. Most of the time—He carried us. He brought us joy in the pain.

For that I’m grateful and I press on to 2016.

Am I scared of what it will bring?


But I will trust in the One who walks with me.

And because of that I believe all things are possible with Him!

What about you? What’s your word (or words, theme) for 2016?

Mark 9:23 (NIV)

Everything is possible for one who believes.

Say Amen – Brian Free & Assurance (writers – Blake Neesmith, Jason Cox, Kenna West, Michael Farren)

I leave you with this amazing song. Listen to the words. Anybody seen the power? Just say “AMEN!”


  1. Susan Steeves

    Thank you Sissy for sharing this post.I know it was hard to write this post, especially now as we wait on the Lord.He is carrying all of us. God is good all the time.I choose to believe.

  2. Heather Joyes.

    We are thinking of you and your family at this time and praying that our Lord will heal Murray. Every new year I also choose a word or phrase to carry with me. I love your choice. I have been thinking of several words and today will choose which will be my positive motto for the year. May He uphold you and give you strength and peace during this time. Bless you, Darlene.

    • Darlene L. Turner

      Thanks, Heather. God chose to heal Mur, but in a different way than what we thought. Mur now has a perfect, whole body, living with Him. Thanks for for your prayers. xo <3

  3. Steph Beth Nickel's Blog

    What a precious, honest, heartfelt post! I love it, my friend. I also love the song and want to discover the story behind the video.

    Anyhoo, my theme this year is Outward Focus. I want to find out how God would have me bless those He brings into my life. My verse for the year is 2 Peter 1:3, “His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence” (ESV).

    May 2016 overflow with rich and abundant blessings!

  4. Barbara Gill

    I’m so glad you answered my email, and I found your blog. I will enjoy reading future posts. Rest in peace that your brother received the ultimate healing~~one we all seek some day.

    • Darlene L. Turner

      Hi, Barbara! Yes, Mur is running free with our Saviour! For that, we’re thankful even though we miss him dearly. Thanks for stopping by and saying hi on my blog.

  5. Emily Conrad

    What a great reminder, especially this time of year as 2016 is just getting started! All things are possible through Christ!


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