Award-winning Publishers Weekly Best-selling Author

She shuffled into the restroom and snapped on the light, squinting as she splashed water on her face. Her heart still raced from the nightmare. It had seemed so real.
In fact, it had been real.
She touched the scar, lining from her temple to her jawline. The proof testifying of the validity of that frightful night.
The night that changed her life forever—the one that stole her identify, and so much more.
She peered closer at the scar and recoiled. Any beauty she once had was gone.
Repulsed at her image, she slammed the light switch off, rushed into her bedroom, and under the covers.
Back into the darkness.
Can you relate to this woman? Maybe not the circumstances but wanting to hide from the light? Sometimes we feel more comfortable staying in the darkness—away from the hurt of this world.
Sept 5If we stow away under the covers, no one can get to us, right? We can stay in our comfort zones and live life at the mediocre level.
But just think of what we could be missing.
What God has called us to do.
Recently, I attended a writer’s conference where I had to step out from under those covers and assert myself. The introvert. Yikes. It was tough, but I did it. And you know what? It wasn’t that terrible.
Sometimes the big bad world isn’t so scary. We just have to take God’s hand and let Him lead. (Click to tweet.)
Let’s let Him show us what we’re born to be. We’re created in His image. We’re His children—perfect under His microscope.
Once we do this, He’ll show us His blessings waiting around the corner.
Genesis 1:27 (NASB)
God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.
Born to Be – Natalie Grant/Gary LeVox (Written by Brett James, Natalie Grant, Bernie Herms)
I love this song. Listen to the words. Yes, Lord. Teach us who we were born to be.
(And yes, that’s the lead singer from Rascal Flatts singing with her!)


  1. Loretta Eidson

    For an introvert, it’s easier to tuck away in a back corner or sit back and listen while others converse. However, there comes a time even the quiet or silent ones must step into the light and have a voice. Whew! Talk about stepping out of our comfort zones…right, Dar?!

    • Darlene L. Turner

      Most definitely, Loretta! And when we step out of our comfort zones we’ll find amazing blessings! YES!

  2. Susan Steeves

    LOVE the truth in this blog.You and I as so much alike Darlene as sisters.Sometimes its so hard to be what God has called us to be but He also has made us and knows are strengths and weakness so we had reach out to him so we can be “Born to be”….Inspiring song…Love ya Sis…I needed to rest in this this morning! Praise the Lord!

    • Darlene L. Turner

      You are you correct, Sue. We are so much alike. Glad you enjoyed this blog. Love you! xo


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