Award-winning Publishers Weekly Best-selling Author

“Are you listening, God?”
Is this a question you ask? I do at times. Especially when my plans don’t work out in the way I think they should. I often ask why. How come my dreams aren’t coming true? I’m working so hard.
Then He shows me . . . He has something better in mind and I have to trust Him. Just a little bit longer.
There are many circumstances in life where we don’t understand. We wonder why He doesn’t fight some battles for us. Jobs are gone, family or friends are lost to a sickness, divorce, etc. Whatever the circumstance, we feel He’s abandoned us. We wonder why, why, why?
trustOur problem is we try to do things on our own, set our own path, fight our own battles. We forget He’s right before us, beside us, behind us. Everywhere. When will we learn?
He’s been where we’re going. Why don’t we let Him fight for us?
Like this song says, next time we feel He’s not moving the mountains we think He should move, leave our circumstances at His feet. Let Him fight our battles.
I’m going to lay my dreams at Jesus’ feet and trust in Him.
Let’s let Him lead our lives.
What about you? What do you need to leave in His hands?
Proverbs 3:56 (VOICE)
Place your trust in the Eternal; rely on Him completely; never depend upon your own ideas and inventions. Give Him the credit for everything you accomplish, and He will smooth out and straighten the road that lies ahead.
Trust in You (Lauren Daigle)
This song says it all. Listen to the lyrics and trust. Thanks, Diane for introducing me to this amazing song!!


  1. Susan Steeves

    Thank you for sharing your heart in this truth we all free as we journey through our daily lives waiting,wanting things just to be the way we planned.I so love this song as it says it all “i will trust you”.. we just need to follow through and trust completely!

    • Darlene L. Turner

      Trusting completely is the key, isn’t it? Hard to do though at times, but necessary!


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