Award-winning Publishers Weekly Best-selling Author

Roxanne stopped outside the door and turned. “I can’t do this.”

“Yes, you can,” Valerie said. “Come on.” She grabbed Roxanne’s arm and pulled her inside.

The dimly lit room bustled with activity. Children giggled in one corner as a group of climbers were outfitted in another, but it was the wall that caught Roxanne’s attention.

She gasped.

The climbing wall filled the entire side of the room and stretched high to the ceiling. Different shapes plastered the surface. Ropes hung from the top dangling like a spider’s web waiting for its prey.

Roxanne sucked in a breath and crossed her arms. “No way am I climbing that.”

“It’s not as hard as it looks,” her friend said. “Step closer and take another look.”

Roxanne inched forward until she was able to touch the wall. Each shape didn’t lie flat as she originally thought but jutted out making it easier for a climber to clutch and climb.

She turned to Valerie. “You’re right. It looks different close up. Maybe I can do this.”

Have you ever tried to tackle a big project and immediately started to hyperventilate? Or, are you involved in so much you find it hard to do one activity well? You can’t put your all into it?

Why do we do this to ourselves? Do we think we need to prove something?

As a writer, there are times when the thought of writing a 90,000 word novel paralyzes me. I sit staring at my laptop, waiting for the words to come. Then, I take a breath and start with a chapter. One at a time, breaking it down into smaller chunks.

It’s not as scary that way.

How about when we overtax ourselves? We get involved in too much. Take a glance at what you really want to do and focus on it. The other can wait until this one is finished. Or maybe we need to cut an activity out of our lives in order to concentrate harder.

Take inventory on everything you’re involved in and pray about where God wants you to focus.

Also, when we take a closer look we might see something we missed. Something amazing.

For example, in this picture all you see is an unusual rock formation.

Now, take a closer look.

You see the etchings and different colors in the rock. Also, did you miss the beautiful greenery of the evergreen? Up close, it’s more vibrant. When we get closer our perspective changes. We become more focused on the smaller things that can turn out to be exactly what we needed to see.

What would happen if we looked closer? We’d get a focused view and accomplish more. We’d also be able to breathe. 🙂 And we wouldn’t miss what God really wants us to see.

How about it? Move closer for a better look.

Can you share an experience when a daunting task paralyzed you? What did you do? Did it help to look closer? Did you almost miss something amazing because you stood too far away?

Looking closer can make something beautiful.” – Cynthia Lord


  1. Susan Steeves

    So LOVE the truth in this share Sissy! Baby steps are great as, I watch my granddaughters take the steps they need to get where they want and they aren’t scared to fall flat on there bum..bum.. they just get up and start over..oh we need to learn all over again like them….every once and a while when they fall it hurts and they cry ..Mom comes to the rescue… Just like Christ does for us when we are stuck or have pain/frustration… we need some love & hugs.Thank you Jesus …you got us!!!

    • Darlene L. Turner

      Such a great analogy, Sissy! Baby steps…so true. Christ does rescue us!

  2. Loretta Eidson

    A few years back when I took the Jerry Jenkins Apprentice class, I received my lesson notebook in the mail. That book was a good three inches thick. My heart plummeted. It was overwhelming when I flipped through the pages and saw all the work I had committed to do. But, once I “looked closer” and faced one lesson at a time I found it interesting and fun. Great article, Darlene.

    • Darlene L. Turner

      Yes, I remember having the same reaction to those classes then I just took it one lesson at time. Thanks, Loretta!

  3. mimionlife

    Preparing and serving a meal at the local shelter can be a blessing to those serving as well as to those receiving. There have been times when a person will walk in and be totally quiet and not interact with anyone. One particular person created alarm by their actions. Instead of turning away, the volunteers welcomed the man and began chatting. This man is a veteran with many stories of his life. No one made him share his life stories . We took “baby steps” in approaching him until he was ready to chat. We looked closer at his life and found a new respect. We all have unique stories.


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