Jesus came at Christmas so we could celebrate Easter.
That is the reason for the season. Not all the bright lights, tinsel, Santa, presents, etc. While all of that is fun—it’s not the true meaning of Christmas.
Do we remember this or do we bury ourselves in festivities forgetting the One who came to give us life?
Don’t get me wrong. I like Christmas just as much as anyone. It’s my favorite time of the year. We shouldn’t feel guilty for enjoying the season as long as we keep Jesus in the forefront of our celebrations.
Is this difficult?
Of course.
Society has pushed Jesus out of the manger and replaced Him with the worldly watered-down message of Christmas. Oh yes, we still sing Silent Night, Away in a Manger and other carols, but do we really listen and concentrate on the words? Or do we have “our list” rolling in our mind like a movie reel projecting what we still have to get done before December 24th?
What if we look closely at some of those songs? What will we find?
The last line of Away in a Manger says, “And fit us for Heaven to live with Thee there.”
We know that Jesus didn’t stay as a baby. He grew up and later died on the cross for us. That’s the only way we can be ‘fitted’ for Heaven to live with Him.
What about Silent Night? Listen to this.
Shepherds quake, at the sight
Glorious streams from heaven above
Heavenly hosts sings Hallelujah.
Christ the savior is born.
The shepherds shook at the sight of the baby because they knew He was the Savior of the world!!
Here’s a line from Hark the Herald Angels Sing.
Light and life to all He brings.
Yes! The tiny baby brings everlasting light to all who believe. Also, He was born to give us second birth.
Next time we’re in a hurry to get to our Christmas festivities, let’s remember what these lyrics hold—the true meaning of Christmas.
It started with a manager and ended on a cross.
Jesus had to be born in order to die.
For us.
The best gift of all!
What part of Christmas do you rush? What is your favorite Christmas song?
Luke 2:12 (KJV)
And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
He Made a Way in a Manger (Candi Pearson-Shelton)
This is a new song for me. I went looking for something that would fit my blog and this one was perfect! Beautiful. He did make the way!! Listen carefully.
What a beautiful song. I have to catch myself when my minds becomes concerned with thoughts of, “Did I get enough presents for everyone?” Then the Holy Spirit speaks to my heart that is not important. Let’s celebrate the supreme sacrifice that God made by sending His son as a babe so He could die for our sins. Make it personal! That baby in the manger was put there for YOU!
YES!!! Thanks for stopping by, Barbara. Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, Darlene! I love all the Christmas songs, even the silly ones. I love the “Mary Did You Know” song, too. Goodness, so many of them have such a powerful message if we only stop and listen to the words. We can get caught up in buying presents, groceries for those unique dishes, and whether we travel or not and get lost in the stress. Or, we can breathe easy, make all our plans and purchases while allowing His peace to flow through us. We can keep our hearts open to those in need and allow His spirit to confirm which one(s) to help or offer a friendly smile. Expressing love and compassion can go a long way in lifting the spirits of others, especially at Christmas time.
So very true, Loretta! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Merry Christmas to you and Ken and your family. Love you xo