Award-winning Publishers Weekly Best-selling Author

His Masterpiece – a Poem by Heather Joyes

by | Sep 28, 2020 | , | Guest Blogs | 10 comments

My friend Heather has created another beautiful poem specifically about my favorite season. Autumn. Love this. I know you will too!

His Masterpiece

by Heather Joyes

Remnants of summer remain
As vibrant flowers wane,
Their glory past,
Hummingbirds wing on
To warmer climes,
Tall grasses sway,
September breezes blow
Cool and soft,
A gentle presence,
Autumn approaches
Ushering in its own beauty,
Rustic reds, browns and gold
Bursting to unfold,
Another season arrives,
All part of His glorious masterpiece,
Created by His hands.

Image by fred prose from Pixabay


  1. Heather Joyes.

    Hello Melissa, so glad you like it.

  2. Mary Ellen Milligan

    So nice to read another beautiful poem Heather. God Bless. You are special.

  3. Heather Joyes.

    Dear Mary Ellen, I am grateful for your kind and encouraging words. <3

  4. Lori Runciman

    Beautifully captures what we’re all so blessed to observe as the season changes. I love this Heather! Thanks Darlene for posting 🙂

    • Heather Joyes.

      Hello Lori, thank you for your encouraging words. 🙂

  5. Beverly Boyd

    Heather — love this. Favourite line “a gentle presence.” Wonderful to start the morning with this. Write on, my dear sister. Sending a hug.

    • Heather Joyes.

      Hello Bev, sending a virtual hug to you as well. 🙂 I appreciate your encouraging comments.

  6. Toni Stevens

    Awww love that. Poetry is a waning art. Glad that some are still writing them.

  7. Heather Joyes.

    Hello Toni, I’m happy to hear that you like poetry as well. <3 I appreciate your comments.


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