Award-winning Publishers Weekly Best-selling Author

Years ago, God nudged me to blog and tell my story. Since I have many new readers, I thought I’d share it again. I pray God will use it to touch hearts. So…here we go.

Come with me on my journey.

Darlene xo


“It’s time.” I heard Him say.

Tears filled my eyes. “But, I’m scared.”

“That’s okay. I’m here.”

Have you ever been hit over the head with a two-by-four? I have. Well, not literally of course. That would hurt!

While at a writer’s conference, the Lord spoke to me. Not audibly, but a topic kept creeping up on me like a snake spying on its prey. I didn’t want to face the facts as I knew old hurts would surface. Did I really want to go there? Doubt filled my mind.

However, even my writing friends saw it happening. “I see a theme, Darlene,” one said.

My heart pounded in my chest as fear began to take over my being. “If you write in a place of fear, it’s authentic and the Lord will use it,” Ann Voskamp said during one of her workshops.

These words played over and over in my head, so I prayed. “Lord if it’s really time, show me.”

I asked my family and friends to pray.

A song by Meredith Andrews began to pull at my heartstrings. I won’t speak until You speak. I found myself singing these words all the time and slowly the Lord confirmed. “It’s time.”

So, what exactly is my story? You’ll have to wait until next Monday, but be sure to come back because it’s a unique one. (Click to Tweet)

Proverbs 3:5&6 (NIV)

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.”

As Long As It Takes by Meredith Andrews

Listen to the words of this powerful song.


  1. Teresa Pollock

    I will come back. Praying for you. God is good

    • Darlene L. Turner

      Thank you so much, Teresa!

      • Teresa Pollock

        That song is so powerful. Thank you for sharing

        • Darlene L. Turner

          It is!!

  2. Dar Myers

    I, too, will be back Monday. I just happened upon this so know it was God-led. Keeping you in prayer! The song, As Long As It Takes, is powerful. Am heading now to download the lyrics for my files!

    Can’t wait for “the rest of the story.”

    • Darlene L. Turner

      Hi Dar! Isn’t that song amazing? Yes, very powerful. Thanks for stopping by!


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