Award-winning Publishers Weekly Best-selling Author

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ACFW October New Releases

Need some fall reads? Check out these new releases! More in-depth descriptions of these books can be found on the ACFW Fiction Finder website Children’s: Road Trip Rescue by Becca Wierwille -- After spotting a photo of her lost dog, twelve-year-old Kimmy embarks on a...

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Family of Two

She cradled her newborn in her arms and marveled at God’s precious gift. They had waited so long and their bundle of joy finally arrived. Her heart was bursting. Have you ever wanted something so badly and wondered why God wouldn’t give it to you? I’m sure you have....

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God’s Mysterious Plan

“You’re moving to Ontario?” “Yes,” I said. The expressions on my family’s faces radiated surprise. I clearly shocked them. Me too. After all, I was a homebody Maritime girl. I didn’t venture far from my family. Being an introvert, I never dreamed I would move 1800 kms...

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Walking in the Clouds

“Mommy, look at the dinosaur!”  The boy jumped up and down as he pointed to the sky. She looked up to see a cloud formation that when she tilted her head just right, did indeed look like a dinosaur. Sort of. She smiled as she laughed at her son’s imagination. He can...

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ACFW September New Releases

As we head into fall, check out these awesome books to add to your TBR pile! More in-depth descriptions of these books can be found on the ACFW Fiction Finder website Contemporary Romance: A Louisiana Christmas to Remember by Morgan Tapley Smith, Betsy St. Amant,...

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