by Darlene L. Turner | Feb 17, 2025 | Darlene L. Turner, Songs from the Heart - Good Day | From My Playlist
Happiness isn’t true joy. Have you heard this saying before and wondered the same as I did? How can this be? You can’t have joy without being happy. Isn’t joy about true happiness? No. Happiness is only temporary. It can be gone in a second. Think about it. Life is...
by Darlene L. Turner | Feb 10, 2025 | Darlene L. Turner, Point of Grace, Songs from the Heart - The Power of Love | From My Playlist
Every day we’re bombarded with bad news. You only need to turn on the TV or radio or Facebook. and you’ll hear there’s been another dreaded shooting or other horrific crime. Or we hear of a friend getting diagnosed with cancer, a loved one has passed...
by Darlene L. Turner | Jan 27, 2025 | Darlene L. Turner, Songs from the Heart - I Go to the Rock | From My Playlist
Simon tugged on his braid and rolled his eyes. How much more of her chatter could he take? If only he could put a muzzle on those bright red lips. He’d been dating Desiree for six months. At first, it was heaven, but now her needling burrowed into him like a tick on...
by Darlene L. Turner | Jan 20, 2025 | Darlene L. Turner, Songs from the Heart - Drop to your Knees | From My Playlist
She glanced over her shoulder, but only darkness greeted her. The heaviness in the night air prickled the hairs at the back of her neck and she ran faster. Who was chasing her? She stumbled on the loose rocks and fell forward, reaching her hands out to brace for...
by Darlene L. Turner | Jan 13, 2025 | Darlene L. Turner, Songs from the Heart - Not Giving Up | From My Playlist
Luke thrashed about trying to wake from his dream stupor. His chest was heavy like a loaded barbell thrust upon him, making it almost impossible to breathe. What is that noise? Luke bolted upright in his bed. Smoke filled his lungs and he gasped for air. Flames danced...
by Darlene L. Turner | Dec 16, 2024 | Darlene L. Turner, Songs from the Heart - Silent Night | Christmas Traditions & Thoughts, From My Playlist
If you were only allowed to listen to one Christmas song (gasp!), what would it be? Which song stands out from your childhood memories? Brings the most emotion? Wraps Christmas up for you with a beautiful bow? That’s an easy one for me. Silent Night. For a number of...