by Darlene L. Turner | Nov 11, 2024 | Darlene L. Turner, Lest we forget, Remembrance Day | Uncategorized
Today is Remembrance Day. It’s a day we set aside to remember those who fought for our freedom and for those who continue to do so. But do we really take time out of our busy schedules to do this? And why only once a year? Shame on us for not paying more...
by Darlene L. Turner | Nov 7, 2022 | Darlene L. Turner, Lest we forget, Remembering...War Brothers, Remembrance Day, Veteran's Day | Mama's Patchwork
Exhausted, the prisoners shuffled their way back to the one-room shack they called “home” in the Japanese prison camp. Inside were five bunk beds lined up against the walls and ten straw mats in the middle of the room. In one corner stood a stove, unused. They were...
by Darlene L. Turner | Nov 8, 2021 | Darlene L. Turner, Never Forget, Remembrance Day, Veteran's Day | Stuff About Life
This week we remember those who fought for our freedom and for those who continue to do so. But do we really take time out of our busy schedules to do this? And why only once a year? Shame on us for not paying more attention! In honour of our veterans, I wanted to...
by Darlene L. Turner | Nov 10, 2014 | Remembrance Day | From My Playlist
Tomorrow we honour those who fought for our freedom and for those who continue to protect our freedom. My grandfather fought in WWI and WWII. My uncles served in WWII. My Uncle Bud shares our family’s story in this article from the Halifax Herald. (The...
by Darlene L. Turner | Nov 11, 2013 | Lest we forget, Remembrance Day | Stuff About Life
Today is Remembrance Day. It’s a day we set aside to remember those who fought for our freedom and for those who continue to do so. But do we really take time out of our busy schedules to do this? And why only once a year? Shame on us for not paying more...