Simcha plunked himself on a rock and rubbed his weary muscles. The journey to reach Bethlehem had taken days. Why didn’t the other shepherds come? Didn’t they believe the angel when he spoke about the One?
He reached into his bag to grab a quick bite of his pita bread. Staring into the dark horizon, he wondered which way to go. Where would this baby be?
A star twinkled, illuminating the night as if in response to Simcha’s question. It was like none he’d ever seen before. He stood.
Could it be?
He flung his bag over his shoulder, grabbed his staff, and shuffled forward. He needed to get there before the crowd assembled.
An hour later, Simcha stood in front of a small stable. It’s where the innkeeper said to come, but why was it so quiet?
He glanced in both directions. No one in sight.
Where’s the line to see the baby?
Simcha thought everyone would be here.
Didn’t all of Bethlehem know the Savior of the world was born tonight?
Have you ever wondered why there wasn’t a line up to see Jesus? He was born in the middle of nowhere with only animals surrounding him and a few lowly shepherds. Why a silent night?
I love the song “Where’s the Line to see Jesus?” so this week I’m doing things a bit different. I’m taking a modern-day song and creating a story in Bible times—the exact opposite of my recent blogs. I realize my story is a bit of a stretch, but I’m a writer…work with me. 😉
Why wasn’t Jesus born in a palace with kings and servants waiting on Him?
His Father knew better, that’s why.
If Jesus had been born among riches, would we pay attention to Him? I’m not so sure. There’s just something about that silent night that makes us sit up straighter and want to know more. In my opinion, if He had been just another king, we probably wouldn’t have thought of Him as special. Perhaps we would have even called Him spoiled. He couldn’t be the Savior, right?
Aren’t you glad that isn’t the case?
I am.
So why don’t we pay more attention to Him during the Christmas season and every day? We spend our time shopping for presents and lining up to see Santa, but what about the Savior of the world?
What happened to that silent night?
This Christmas why don’t we line up to see Jesus? Take time to really worship Him and the gift He gave us.
Will you line up with me? Come on, let’s go.
What do you think? What if Jesus had been born in a palace? Would you have lined up to see Him? Share your thoughts.
Luke 2:15-16 (NIV)
When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.” So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger.
Where’s the Line to See Jesus? – Becky Kelley
WOW! I often have thought how did the Shepherds think/feel after the Angels spoke. You have captured this for me. What a powerful song too!!! Thanks Sissy
I think sometimes we forget about the shepherds and what they went through. I know I do! Thanks for your comments.
Thanks for reminding us all to take the time and refocus about what Christmas is all about – LOL.
Kim Harris.
Thanks Kim. I’m reminding myself at the same time. We all get caught up in the busyness of Christmas and forget to take time to worship. Thanks for following.
Oh Dar your blog is always something that deeply touches my inner soul. I was praying in the night as my heart was starting to get anxious about Christmas and how life isn’t what I think it should be. So I prayed that this Christmas my focus would be on my precious Savour. thanks Dar.
Thanks Di. I’m also going to try and totally focus on my Savior instead of the craziness of Christmas. Praying for you my sweet friend. xo
Beautiful, my friend! just beautiful. Thank you for sharing. Here I sit at work fighting back the tears. Bless you, Dar.
Thanks Steph. Bless you too! 🙂
Darlene, Lovely post! I was quite moved by Becky’s song. Thanks for the reminder of what Christmas is all about!
Best and Blessings this Christmas!
Thanks Darcy! Merry Christmas to you as well!
Isn’t it just like Jesus to enter the world softly and quietly, walk among us with wisdom, give His life willingly for us, and defeat death…all without an earthly king’s proper recognition. Even though He is our King, he didn’t demand honor and recognition as other kings required. His love is so far beyond what we can imagine. He allowed us to fall in love with Him and choose to worship Him. Silent night, Holy night…Merry Christmas, Darlene! Thank you for this thought-provoking post.
You’re exactly right, Loretta! Thanks for following. Merry Christmas to you and your precious family!
Very inspiring thoughts. Sadly, people line up to hear evil lyrics from the mouths of famous performers, but who’d line up to see Jesus? Hoping alot more people this year at least come into the churches and celebrate the real meaning of the season.
You’re so right! Thanks for your comments. I too hope more people come to church to celebrate the real reason for the season. I also pray they come back throughout the year! Merry Christmas to you and your family. God bless.