This week has been a difficult one for me, so I took a break from everything this weekend and rested. My friend Rita graciously agreed to let me use one of her poems. This one spoke to my heart. It’s exactly what I needed to hear right now. Thanks Rita!
The Temper Tantrum
I’m alone in the dark, frightened
No one hears me, my cries, my pleas
I want to do it my way,
Why won’t You let me?
I know what I’m doing,
Why won’t you let me do what I want?
You’re going too slow,
Give me what I want
O God, You are so stubborn!
If only I stopped and listened,
Instead of running away
My child, are you ready to listen now?
I know what you want,
But you must learn to trust Me.
I will always give you
What is best for you,
But it may not be
What you want.
As I stop to listen,
As I do Your Will,
I am no longer alone and afraid,
Your ever waiting arms
Encircling me,
Once again,
Content in Your Love.
Thanks Dar!
No, thank YOU for letting me use this great poem!! Love it, Rita.
Thanks Darlene
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 09:34:40 +0000 To:
Thanks so much for this….
Very lovely 🙂
This poem speaks to all of us. Succinct and true. Love it.
Wow this is a beautiful truthful poem Rita that we can all relate to.Thanks for sharing it