Saturday I worshiped with 190,000 women all over the world in the Beth Moore simulcast. Can I sum it up in one word? That’s a hard one, but I’ll try.
Such an amazing experience knowing you’re praising God with that many women at the exact same time, singing the same songs (Travis Cottrell and his team lead us…wow!). Plus, listening live to Beth share the message the Lord gave her was overwhelming. There were times I was driven to tears and times I couldn’t stop laughing.
It was a day I needed after weeks of busyness filled with stress.
What did I take home with me? Lots. Here’s what hit home for me.
Jesus wants me to know who I am and who I’m not.
Beth gave us an Identity Declaration. We read it out loud and then we sang it in a song with the worship team. Powerful words. To read it go here.
I am a woman of God and I’m redeemed! Not only that, but I’m loved, pursued, and chosen! I need to remember this in the times when I’m feeling down because things aren’t happening as quickly as I want them to. God knows the big picture. He’s chosen something special for me. In His timing.
And for you!
I need to sweep!
Beth spoke about times when a woman needs a clean sweep to find what we’re missing. We have so much in our culture to keep us busy that we’re just “adding God on” to it. The problem is we don’t have time! We grab little snippets here and there and don’t go deep enough. He wants more. We need more.
Join me and sweep it out, girlfriend! (And yes, you guys too!)
The entire day hit me hard and was amazing. These are just a couple of highlights. One song that stood out for me was Victor’s Crown. I would like to leave you today with this from my playlist. I love the line “every stronghold shall be broken.” Not may be broken. It SHALL be broken. Christ made it possible.
We need to remember that when we’re caught in life’s vice-grip of tough battles.
Thank you Lord for giving me this powerful day.
I’m changing my story and trusting Him!
How about you?
Were you at the Beth Moore simulcast? If so, share your take home? What stood out to you? I’d love to hear!
Luke 1:45 (KJV)
Blessed is SHE who believed.
Victor’s Crown by Darlene Zschech
Listen to the words of this powerful song!
I was there on Saturday, so much to take in but the electricity of the room with other women knowing now that we are women of God, chosen and loved by the Father. I need to get out that broom and start sweeping. Stop filling my days and my mind with so much other than spending it with Him. Praise God what a glorious day.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Dorian! (and for saving our seats!!) It was such an amazing day.
Dar thank you so much for that song I cried..