Happy New Year! Can you believe 2016 is finished? I have to say, it’s one year I’ll be happy to say goodbye to. It started off with heartache for me in the loss of my precious brother, but I’m keeping memories of him alive and praising God that Murray is no longer suffering. He’s whole again.
The rest of the year had some wonderful highlights. A baby was born. Sweet McKinley Hope Marie. My niece was married. I did well in some writing contests. 2016 held some glorious moments too.
As we start a new year, I’m wondering . . . do you make New Year’s resolutions? I have to be honest. I’ve never really been one to other than to be a better Christian. One who is more Christ-like. But, isn’t that what being a Christian is all about? Every day. Yes.
Instead, I like to think of a word to focus in on all year round. It seems to be the thing to do instead of resolutions. I also like to set goals. Specifically writing goals. Write more, read more, etc.
I started focusing on one word a year in 2014. Here are my words for the past:
2014 – REFOCUS
This year I’ve chosen the following word. Drumroll please . . .
Total confidence in Him
Reliance on Him
(waiting) Upon His perfect plan
Surrender to His will
Together making it happen!
In 2017, I want to put my complete TRUST in Him and wait upon His perfect plan. That will be tough. I’ve been waiting. You know my dream is for my book to be published. I’m waiting for that dream to happen and at times I feel like giving up (after each rejection), but I keep pressing on because He has a plan and I’m trusting that it’s better than anything I can ever dream of!
What will 2017 bring? I have no idea. Am I scared? You betcha. But I’m putting my trust in Him.
Will you do the same with me? Yes, it will be hard at times, but together we can do it.
Here’s to 2017!
Proverbs 3:5&6 (VOICE)
Place your TRUST in the Eternal; rely on Him completely;
never depend upon your own ideas and inventions.
Give Him the credit for everything you accomplish,
and He will smooth out and straighten the road that lies ahead.
Do you have a word for 2017? If so, would you share it with me? I’d love to hear about it.
Jesus, Only Jesus
My brother would blast this song during his journey. He loved it, so I’m playing it here in memory of him. Turn it up and listen to the words. I stand amazed in Him. Do you as we start 2017?
My word for 2017 came to me four days ago, POSITIVITY. There’s so much negativity in the world today that a positive attitude will turn heads.
Love it, Loretta! You are so right…there’s way too much negativity out there today, so your word is perfect!! Thanks for sharing!
I appreciate the word thoughts
Thanks for stopping by! Happy New Year and God bless!
Happy New Year, Darlene! Each new year I also choose a new year’s resolution. It is either a word or phrase which I record in a journal to remind myself as the year goes along. Funny thing, this year I have chosen the same word as you, “trust.” I appreciate that you created an acronym for “trust.” As time go by I write my reflections on the chose word. 🙂
Hi, Heather! Interesting that we both chose the same word. I guess God is showing us the same thing, huh?! It’s a good word. God bless you!
TRUST was the word I relied on during my cancer journey: Totally Rely Upon the Saviour’s Truth. Holding fast to the Saviour’s truth (His Promises in the Word) enabled me to navigate my cancer journey with joy and hope.
The word the Lord laid on my heart for this year is DISCIPLINE. When I looked at all the areas i needed discipline in, I almost gave up before I started. Then the Lord clarified the word for me: DIE TO SELF. No major overhaul on my bad habits, no giving up everything right now, but rather a step by step journey of dying to self and living for Christ. I am so grateful that I can look at my word and now see hope and joy instead of the initial despair and fear.
That’s an awesome word, Rita! Good for you. Thanks for sharing your heart!!
My word for 2017 is refresh! Our family has had so much sadness over the past 3 years… I want a fresh start and a refreshed relationship with my precious Jesus… the one who is truly all I need!
I love this, Diane! Perfect!! Thanks for sharing.
Wow sissy,I love this word too! We are both in the place of having to trust with the journeys we are on as we wait! Thank you for sharing this song. I can’t listen to til without balling but that’s ok as of all the songs that Murray clung to in his journey, this one says it all….Jesus Only Jesus…we have nothing without Him! Love you and am praying for you.
Yes we are, Sissy.This song is powerful.Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Love you too. Praying for you as well. xo