Award-winning Publishers Weekly Best-selling Author

Last week was a long one filled with frustrating days, but you know what? They were still good days! Every time God reminds me that He is in control, not me. I only need to trust Him. Cling to Him. Praise Him.

I’m re-sharing this post from two years ago as this song keeps reminding me of how many promises God gives us. He’s forever faithful.

Be blessed, my friends.


Happiness isn’t true joy. 

Have you heard this saying before and wondered the same as me? How can this be? You can’t have joy without being happy. Isn’t joy about true happiness?


Happiness is only temporary. It can be gone in a second.

Think about it. Life is full of ups and downs. Highs and lows. Situations come into our lives that tear our world apart . . .

The one we thought was our perfect soul mate tells us they’re leaving . . .

Our boss says we’re no longer a fit for their company . . .

The doctor gives us the results of the test we were dreading . . .

A loved one passes away . . .

Bam! Our happiness is changed in a millisecond.

So, how can we find true joy?

In our attitudes. How do we react to situations like the above? I still remember my mother’s reaction when we told her the news of her brain tumor. “Well, I’ve had a good life.” She praised God every step of the way. She stood on her tippy toes while singing in church after her diagnosis. After. That’s true joy.

My brother and dear sister-in-law praised God through their storm. They gave God the glory. That’s true joy.

Sure, it’s hard going through tough situations. Don’t get me wrong. A trial doesn’t come along and you start waving your hands in the air saying, “Yes, God!” But when we’re able to face them head-on with a good attitude, this makes all the difference. Our joy bubbles over and comes to the surface. What a powerful witness!

In giving our happiness to Jesus. Then it will turn to joy. When hardships come our way, we have to remember, He is there with us. Walking in front of us, beside us, behind us. All around us. We need to hold tight to Him. Keep our eyes on Him. When we do, nothing can steal our joy.

Yes, happiness can be gone in a second, but we have to remember . . .

True joy lasts a lifetime.

Let’s dance to the beat of His amazing grace.

Psalm 30:11 (VOICE)

You did it: You turned my deepest pains into joyful dancing;
You stripped off my dark clothing
and covered me with joyful light.

Good Day (by Natalie Grant)

Recently, my sister was here for a visit and on our way home from an outing, we cranked this song up, singing at the top of our lungs. Then played the song again…and again…and again. 🙂


  1. mimionlife

    I choose “joy” today and every day. Whatever happens, I know God is with me and I am loved. 🙂

  2. Susan Steeves

    Awe… its our song!!! Loved singing then in the car with my sissy…over and over and over..SO FUN!!! Miss you and those precious moments shared


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