Award-winning Publishers Weekly Best-selling Author

It didn’t matter which direction my gaze lingered. Amber, fiery orange and brilliant red leaves swayed in the breeze. The view stole my breath and I inhaled deeply, filling my lungs with the smell of fall. As I stand in the middle of the field on the top of Harrison Mountain, I’m reminded of God’s beautiful creation, and I’m thankful.

I praise Him for the different seasons because this way we don’t take them for granted. Each brings something special. Fall brings Thanksgiving, and it was always an important time of year in the Harrison household. My parents instilled in us to have a thankful heart.

I have many special memories growing up of our family celebrating. I believe the most memorable were the times we spent Thanksgiving at the cottage on Harrison Mountain. It has been and still is a favourite spot for my family. Our parents built the cottage where my dad’s house used to sit. It’s a place where we’ve laughed and cried throughout the years.

A recent memory stands out to me. My family was able to celebrate one final Thanksgiving with Mom (Dad had passed away years before this) on Harrison Mountain. It was just after she was diagnosed with a brain tumour, so our hearts were heavy with the journey we knew was ahead of us, but we still thanked God for being together. The smell of turkey roasting in the oven and the wood burning in the stove filled the air of our small cottage. The birds were singing outside and the leaves were in their full fall splendour. Life was peaceful—even during the storm.

Today on our Canadian Thanksgiving Monday, I think back to these memories and tears fill my eyes.

I’m thankful we were able to spend that special time together. I also remember the words Mom said to us continually during her journey. God is good…ALL the time. Another strong stitch in her legacy quilt. Woven in a time of hardship, but still visible.

Just a few years later, our family also lost my amazing brother, Murray. Once again, our hearts were broken. Could we still have that same tranquility we felt back on Harrison Mountain?

Yes, because God washes us with peace when we rely on Him in all circumstances—even the tough ones. (Click to Tweet)

I’m grateful for parents who taught me to be thankful no matter what. Today, I praise God for my wonderful husband and family.

I have a thankful heart.

What are you thankful for today? 


  1. Loretta Eidson

    Beautiful post, Darlene. Being thankful regardless of our situations is a choice only God can fulfill in us. I am thankful for you, my friend, and for the beauty of the world, He designed around us.

    • Darlene L. Turner

      Thanks, my sweet friend! I’m SO thankful God brought you into my life. I am truly blessed! Love you xo

  2. susan steeves

    SO love this Sissy. We are truly blessed.

    • Darlene L. Turner

      Yes, we are Sissy! Love you xo

  3. Susan Marlene

    What an amazing post and one that brought my grateful thoughts of my mom and dad. Our celebrations of Thanksgiving and Christmas! It is so hard to say good-by and yet when we are His we have all eternity with joy and celebration and gratitude abounding! I love your post!

    • Darlene L. Turner

      Hi Susan! Yes, you’re right…it is hard to say good-bye, but we have hope in knowing we’ll see them again one day, right? Yes! God is good.


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