Award-winning Publishers Weekly Best-selling Author

Exploring the Art of Plotting by DiAnn Mills

“Writing – turning straw into gold.” DiAnn Mills

Does plotting make you pivot and run in the opposite direction? Some writers plot, others write by the seat of their pants (pantsers). Plotting can be hard, but award-winning author and writing mentor, DiAnn Mills teaches us how to do if effectively in Exploring the Art of Plotting.

In this book, the author takes us through the plotting process, starting at the very beginning—with the reader’s expectations. Each chapter looks at the necessary steps for developing a strong story readers will not be able to put down.

This book is powerful. It’s the easiest writing book to understand and clearly written. At the end of each chapter there are questions and exercises she calls “Digging Deeper” that helps the author get to the heart of their story. Also, she shares her “Recommended Writing Books List” at the end of the book.

I give Exploring the Art of Plotting five stars. If you’re a new writer or a veteran, I highly recommend adding this to your library. You won’t regret it.

**Thank you to the author for a copy of this book. I received no compensation and the opinion in this review is my own.



  1. DiAnn Mills

    Thank you, Darlene! I appreciate your review!

  2. Theresa

    You described this book (which I bought, love and cherish) very well. I also give it a 5 star rating. And I will use your review as a teaching tool for the reviews I write on other books.

    • Darlene L. Turner

      Hi Theresa! Awesome, glad you also liked the book. It’s a great resource. Thanks so much for stopping by.


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