Award-winning Publishers Weekly Best-selling Author

Safe House Exposed – Release Day!!

by | Feb 21, 2022 | | Writing World | 12 comments

Tomorrow is release day for my Love Inspired Suspense (Harlequin) book number FOUR, Safe House Exposed! Wow…I’m feeling blessed and grateful. I wanted to share with you a blog I wrote that highlights the theme of this novel. Sorry for the long post today. Keep reading for a fun reading of a scene and prize details!

Trusting in God’s Plan

Jigsaw puzzles seem to be the rage lately. Do you remember doing them as kids? Placing each piece in its specific spot was fun . . . until you either couldn’t figure out how one fit—or heaven forbid—you lost a piece. Then everything changed. It wasn’t fun anymore. More like frustrating. This got me thinking about life and how much our lives are like a jigsaw puzzle. When things are going along nicely, the pieces fit perfectly. The picture is becoming clear. We can see it and it’s just within our grasp. Life is good. You have it all planned out. And then—

Something happens. We can’t make the next piece fit or we’ve lost one. Our path changes. And not the way we want it to. We question God. “What are You doing? This is not the life I wanted.” We’re blindsided when our journey unexpectantly changes.

In Safe House Exposed, Canadian border patrol officer Emma James is changed in an instant. After helping bring a ruthless family to justice, she’s targeted and everything in her world changes—her identity, home, relationships are all ripped away. Her perfect life plan did not work out the way she’d hoped. She questions God and what He’s doing. She goes through a roller-coaster set of emotions and has to work through the journey of trusting in God’s sovereignty. Her bump in her journey didn’t fit into her perfect jigsaw puzzle. The picture is now distorted and she can’t see the end result. However, God holds her close and she realizes that He just steered her down a different path. His path.

We’ve all been there, right? Realized our plans aren’t working out the way we intended? So, what do we do when that happens? Do we shove the entire puzzle on the floor and start over? No. We pick through each piece one at a time and trust we’ll find the right one. Emma has to do this too and in the end became stronger.

God knows the big picture. He sees all the pieces of our lives—from the beginning to the end. Every happy moment and every blip in the road. Do we throw Him to the curb and stomp our feet thinking we can do things on our own?

No. We fall to our knees and TRUST. He’s sovereign and knows all. From the beginning to the end. He has bigger and better plans than anything we could ever dream possible.

We just need to trust Him with every piece of the jigsaw puzzle. (Click to tweet)

Jeremiah 29:11 (VOICE)
For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Eternal, “plans for peace, not evil, to give you a future and hope—never forget that.”

Safe House Exposed

Want to hear a snippet of Safe House Exposed from best-selling author, DiAnn Mills? I’m SO blessed by having this amazing woman as my mentor. Thank you, DiAnn for helping me along my writing journey. Your love and encouragement mean the world to me. Love you! xo

About the Book

Available 2.22.22

Witness protection should have kept them safe.

Instead, it left them completely exposed…

Canadian border patrol officer Emma James has only one concern after putting a crime boss behind bars: keeping her daughter safe. But witness protection has a leak, and Emma’s enemies know exactly where to find her. Now on the run with no safe haven, trusting her estranged former brother-in-law, police constable Mason James, to shield them is her only hope…

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Answer the question below in the comments and one person will win an e-book copy of Safe House Exposed! Comment by midnight on Saturday, Feb 26th EST. 

How do you cope when one piece doesn’t fit into your life’s jigsaw puzzle?


  1. Lorrie Domin

    Truthfully, I panic for a moment, then pray, surrendering to God’s amazing grace!

    • Darlene L. Turner

      Definitely a normal response for sure, Lorrie. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Jan Hall

    I’m not sure because I don’t know what my life puzzle is.

    • Darlene L. Turner

      Thanks for stopping by, Jan!

  3. Shannon

    I’ve learned that you just have to wait until you find the right piece. Often times, we’re convinced “this” piece is the one, but just like with jigsaw puzzles, we sometimes grab the wrong piece and try to force it. Patience, perseverance and trust that the right piece is there (and God will help us find it) is the best way to move forward.

    • Darlene L. Turner

      So very true, Shannon! Thank you for your insight and sharing your thoughts!

  4. Susan Steeves

    BEAUTIFULLY written.I so am enjoying this book Sissy.
    Congrats on this day of the books release.My the Lord bless you in a very special way on this exciting day.
    Much Love to you Sissy.Wish I was there.💝

    • Darlene L. Turner

      Thanks, Sissy. Wish you were here too. Love you xo

  5. Susan Steeves

    I lOVE This book Sissy🥰.Its filled with suspense an keeps me on my toes to what is happenibg next.
    SO PROUD OF YOU😇 I am so grateful for this special gift🎁 the Lord has given you and blessed to call you my Beautiful, smart, intelligent, creative, loving Sister.
    Embrace the gift if this day the Lord has given you🎉

    • Darlene L. Turner

      Thanks, Sissy. You are the best cheerleader ever! I love you and appreciate your continued support and encouragement!! xo

  6. Ruth Waring

    Hi Darlene! I found your blog very interesting and couldn’t help smiling at your use of a puzzle and its pieces.! I used a similar concept in my recent blog, having done so 5 years earlier.! You know what they say about ‘great minds’…just kidding. God certainly directs our thoughts, no question about that! Love reading your blogs and congratulations on your new release! (Below is my personal email, other than the one I share with Doug!) Blessings!

    • Darlene L. Turner

      Hi Ruth! Thanks so much. Interesting that we’re both in the same mindset. Must have been all those years around your dining room table, gleaning from one another! Miss you! xo


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