She glanced over her shoulder, but only darkness greeted her. The heaviness in the night air prickled the hairs at the back of her neck and she ran faster.
Who was chasing her?
She stumbled on the loose rocks and fell forward, reaching her hands out to brace for impact. She thudded to the ground. Pain shot through her knees. Unable to restrain herself, she cried out. Her stalkers would know her location, but her strength was gone. Her body broken.
She no longer cared.
Think about a time when you’ve gone for a strength-building workout after months (or years) of no exercise. Can you feel the pain? Ouch. Your body is shocked at the routine you’ve taken it through and is weary to the bone. You can’t take another step forward. You found muscles you never thought you had.
Have you felt like that spiritually? Have the trials in life overtaken you to a point where you just can’t take another step? Troubles chase you around every corner and you can’t catch your breath?
They’re everywhere, threatening to latch onto us, and not let go.
We’ve all been there.
What do we need to do when something happens that shakes our faith? When we can’t find God anywhere? When we’re broken and wandering into nothingness.
Fall on our knees. Not just fall—drop to our knees.
It’s the only place to be.
We may try to find strength in other places, people, or things, but this will not last. It will not give us the deep-rooted spiritual power only God can give.
When will learn He is the only power we need?
When we’re groping through life in the dark not knowing where to go, we just need to turn on His light.
And we will find Him on our knees.
The place of complete and total surrender.
Have you had times when you’ve felt totally broken and didn’t know where to turn? Did you immediately fall to your knees or try something else first?
Daniel 6:10 (NIV)
Now when Daniel learned that the decree had been published, he went home to his upstairs room where the windows opened toward Jerusalem. Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before.
Find You On My Knees (written by Matt Bronleewe, Ben Glover, Kari Jobe)
Kari Jobe has some powerful songs. This is one of them. Listen closely to the words.