by Darlene L. Turner | Sep 16, 2024 | Darlene L. Turner, Meredith Andrews, Songs from the Heart - As Long As It Takes | From My Playlist
Hurry up . . . and wait. Seems like that’s all we hear in today’s society. We want everything now. The internet is at our fingertips 24-7, so why do we need to wait? Right? There are times in our lives when we feel like we’ve been waiting a long time for some...
by Darlene L. Turner | Sep 9, 2024 | Darlene L. Turner, Songs from the Heart - Oh My Soul | From My Playlist
There are times in our lives when we feel totally alone. We’re going through the deepest pit. More than we could have ever imagined. Something has blindsided us and we feel we have nowhere to turn. There’s no getting past this hurdle. How do we handle...
by Darlene L. Turner | Aug 19, 2024 | Darlene L. Turner, Jim and Melissa Brady, Jim Brady, Songs from the Heart - Homesick for Heaven | From My Playlist
I watched as my brother gasped for breath, wheezing in and out. Struggling with each inhale, he held my sister-in-law’s hand tighter. I asked myself. Was it time? Tears threatened, but I held them back. I couldn’t let him see the depth of torment going on inside me as...
by Darlene L. Turner | Jul 29, 2024 | Chris Tomlin, Darlene L. Turner, Songs from the Heart - Jesus Messiah | From My Playlist
Have you ever had weeks where everything went wrong? You questioned God. Why wasn’t He moving in ways we wanted Him to move? You’re tired of waiting on His plan and start questioning why. Sound familiar? I know we’ve all been there at different times in our...
by Darlene L. Turner | Jul 22, 2024 | Darlene L. Turner, Songs from the Heart - Breathe | From My Playlist
We live busy lives. Our jobs are busier, our children are involved in more events, we’re asked to help out at church in the next big event, we take on a second job to help pay the bills—the list goes on. When will it end? We pick up the pace to keep up with our...
by Darlene L. Turner | Jul 15, 2024 | Darlene L. Turner, Songs from the Heart - Trust in You | From My Playlist
“Are you listening, God?” Is this a question you ask? I do at times. Especially when my plans don’t work out in the way I think they should. I often ask why. Then He shows me . . . He has something better in mind and I have to trust Him. Just a little bit longer....