by Darlene L. Turner | Apr 13, 2015 | Samson and Delilah; strength | Coffee & Conversations with Women of the Bible
I stare at the notes I’ve written for this interview and shiver, not from cold but the foreboding in my spirit. Worries of how this session will play out resurface. Why can’t I just relax? You know why. What could God possibly want me to share about Delilah’s story?...
by Darlene L. Turner | Sep 23, 2013 | Samson and Delilah; strength | Still True Today
Simon tugged on his braid and rolled his eyes. How much more of her chatter could he take? If only he could put a muzzle on those bright red lips. He’d been dating Desiree for six months. At first it was heaven, but now her needling burrowed into him like a tick on...