A thud and scream woke Jayne from her slumber. Tommy. She bolted upright and rushed to her son’s room, holding her breath as she swung the door open. She snapped the light on. Her five-year-old sat on the floor clutching his stomach and whimpering.
Jayne knelt in front of him. “What’s wrong, honey?”
“Mommy, my tummy hurts.”
She glanced at the browned apple cores sitting by the garbage can. She picked one up and shook her head. Her son had a habit of indulging when he found something he loved. “How many did you eat?”
He hung his head. “Five.”
Jayne helped him into bed. “You can’t eat that many in a day, sweetheart.”
“They’re so yummy.” He grabbed his tummy and yelped. “Ouch.”
Pulling up his pajama top, she rubbed his stomach. “I know, but your little body can’t handle that many.”
She kissed his cheek. “One a day is just enough, okay?”
He nodded.
Are there times when you’ve had enough? You shake your fist at God and ask why?
You’re not alone.
We all have at one point or another.
God provided the Israelites with just enough manna for each day. Not too much. Not too little. Just enough. What can we learn from this story?
The Israelites weren’t good with instructions. Moses gave the people God’s instructions. They were to gather just enough for the day and not to save any. What did they do? Some listened, some didn’t. Those who didn’t ended up with maggots in their manna. Blech! How are we with instructions? God’s word is our roadmap. Do we listen or do we veer off in the wrong direction? Let’s remember to tune into God’s GPS!
God gives us daily strength. After all, He gave the Israelites enough manna for each day. Don’t you think He’d do the same for us? Strength for every day, every moment, and even every second? Of course He does. We just need to reach out and grab it. It’s there but we forget to ask for it. Maybe we’re too stubborn or too angry to make a petition to Him. We need to get over it and ask God for help. His daily strength is all we need.
He doesn’t give us more than we can handle. Moses told the people that God would give just the right amount of manna for each day. When we’re at our breaking point, we think God has given us way too much. He doesn’t. He’s promised us He’ll be there right beside us. He won’t give us any more than that.
He gives us just enough. Were the Israelites thankful God had provided all their needs? Some probably did, but most grumbled and complained. Do we? God gives us more than enough. Why do we take it for granted? We need to be thankful for His blessings. We may not see them when we’re in the thick of things, but they’re there. Look for the treasures.
Are you at a breaking point? Tired of your life? Thinking God has abandoned you? Grab His hand. Talk to Him. Yell at Him (He has thick shoulders!). Get it all out. Then, trust Him. Cling to Him. Let Him wrap His arms around you.
He will give you just enough strength for today.
And every day.
Has there been a point in your life where you did shake your fist at God? Or maybe you’re there right now. Share with us. There’s power in prayer and we would like to pray for you.
Exodus 16:4a (NIV)
Then the Lord said to Moses, “I will rain down bread from heaven for you. The people are to go out each day and gather enough for that day.”
Enough by Chris Tomlin
This song says it all! He’s all we need.
Thank you for this post. It comes at just the right time for me. Blessings.
Hi Henry! Thanks for your comment. Glad the post was helpful. God bless.
Love this post! Why is it so hard to embrace this? The songs says it all. “Lord help us to live and embrace that you are more than enough for us to live each day, through your gift of grace!” Love ya Sis
You’re right…we do have a hard time embracing this. When will we learn? 🙁 Good thing God loves us unconditionally, huh?
Great blog Darlene. Thanks for the reminder that God knows best what we need and when in His time.
Thanks Heather! God is continually reminding me about this! 😀
Thanks Dar.. a reminder that God knows exactly what he is doing in our lives…. My word for the year is Trust!!!
Trust is an awesome word. Hard to do at times but awesome!