Loved this post by my friend, Stephanie Nickel. I had to share it with you. What kind of legacy will you leave?
A Life Worth Living
As a woman of a certain age
I am inclined to look at my life
Scrutinize it really
Wondering if what I’ve done has really made a difference
Will I leave a legacy
Will the world be a better place because I passed through
Over half a century
It seems like such a long time
And yet
It has been fleeting
No matter how many more years I have
I imagine they will rush past
With ever-increasing haste
I’ve said it before
But now is a good time to remember
I want to invest my time
Not merely spend it
Will each day come with a detailed plan
Or are the most important things less tangible
Will I do what I do
With love
Will I touch each life gently
Will compassion and care flow through me
Will the lives that intersect mine
Be richer
Because of it
A life worth living
Is a life of love
May love mark my days
Be they many or few
“Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.This is the great and first commandment.And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
(Matthew 22:36-39 ESV)
Lifesong (by Mark Hall)
I thought this song fit Stephanie’s blog perfectly.
Beautiful writing about life and legacy…and the song fits perfectly!
I loved this by Stephanie and just had to include it on my blog! Thanks for stopping by, Sis! xo
Beautiful poem.. I loved it Thanks
I agree totally, Di!