Karen stood at the edge of her grandmother’s bed and sighed. The rattle in the older woman’s chest told Karen it wouldn’t be long before she left this world. It was time for God to take His servant home.
Karen sat and held her grandmother’s cold hand. She traced each finger with her own as she remembered every craft this woman taught her—knitting, cross-stitch, quilting, sewing. There wasn’t anything these fingers hadn’t tried.
They had spent hours together crafting throughout the years. Karen had poured out her heart to this woman and no matter what trial, complaint, or question Karen had, her grandmother always listened before she spoke. When she finally did, her words were few, but packed a punch.
A tear rolled down Karen’s cheek. She will never forget what her grandmother said.
“Dear, you will go through many ups and downs in life, but always remember. It’s not what you said or didn’t say, but how you live your life that people will notice.”
And that was exactly how her grandmother lived.
Did you have someone you looked up to growing up? Someone who taught you valuable lessons about life? I’m sure we can all think of someone.
My mother taught me how to cook, clean, sew, knit, but more importantly how to treat others. She lived her faith out by doing and not by eloquent words. She taught us right from wrong. Was she perfect? Of course not.
However, she lived her life without anything to prove. Nothing to hide.
That’s how God wants us to live each moment of every day. We shouldn’t worry about possessions, where we live, or what job we have. Those don’t matter. They are only here for today.
What is more important is our integrity. Do we lie to get ahead? Do we step on toes to get that break we wanted in our workplace? Do we worry more about prettying up the outside instead of what’s on the inside? Who cares if it’s as dark as coal if people can’t see it, right?
God does.
And don’t we think eventually our true colors will shine through?
Yes. They. Will.
So, let’s live our lives with nothing to prove and nothing to hide.
When it’s time to say goodbye, we’ll leave behind a better place.
A place that resembles our Savior.
Who has left a lasting impression on you? Why? Or how do you want to be remembered? Share with us.
Nothing to Prove (by Dan Dean)
This song brings tears to my eyes whenever I listen to it. It’s powerful! Let’s take it to heart and stop trying to prove ourselves.
The song made me teary too, my friend. I especially like the line about leaving nothing unsaid. It makes me think . . . and hopefully, will make me act as well.
Stephen Covey said to think of what we want people to say about us at our funeral and live our life accordingly.
I don’t find these thoughts morbid. I find them encouraging and challenging.
Thanks for sharing, Dar.
I agree, that’s a great line. So many times we leave things unsaid when we shouldn’t. I like was Stephen says. So true! Thanks for stopping by and sharing, Steph.
Can I share my son’s song with you on this same topic? It’s called “Done,”
I forgot to say, I really did enjoy your post.
Your son’s song is beautiful! Powerful words. Thank you for sharing. God bless, Anne!
Hi Darlene… well written and timely in many ways this day as Mom slipped away in peace this morning. We come with nothing and leave with nothing and yes we certainly can leave a better place through the lives we live… I know Mom certainly has…
Hugs from Alberta
Hi Rolly. I’m so sorry to hear of the passing of your mother. My deepest sympathies to you and your family. I will keep you in my prayers. God bless you.
Thanks for this truth Dar. Yes I love this song too!
It’s an awesome song!
Beautiful post, beautiful song. I really enjoyed them both.
It is an amazing song, isn’t it? Thanks for stopping by.