Award-winning Publishers Weekly Best-selling Author

Enough – A Poem by Heather Joyes

by | Sep 7, 2020 | , | Guest Blogs | 12 comments

My friend Heather Joyes writes amazing and thought-provoking poems. This is her latest. Enjoy.



by Heather Joyes

As hope fades
A silent stillness prevails,
Yet with relentless pursuit
I continue in prayer,
Trusting the promises
In God’s Holy Word,
My faith is strengthened
As I wait on Him,
For He is enough.



  1. susan steeves

    I love the beautiful truth in this poem Heather.Thanks for sharing your heart.

    Thanks for sharing Sissy.😇

    • Heather Joyes.

      Thank you, Sue, for your continuing support and encouragement. I’m glad you like it.

    • Heather Joyes.

      Blessings to you, Melissa.

  2. Robin Marie Johnson

    God is enough! Even when we think we are not enough! Keep writing your poems. Keep focusing on your good good father.
    From one writer to another, we are writing for an audience of ONE, that’s Jesus!

    • Heather Joyes.

      Hello Robin Marie, I appreciate your insight and thank you for your caring and encouragement to keep writing. Praise Him.

  3. Mary Ellen Milligan

    Oh Heather-this is so sweet. God bless you during these crazy days. Always remember that you are loved. God has given you a special talent to write poems and sayings etc. Have a great day friend.

    • Heather Joyes.

      Ah, Mary Ellen, your words cheer my heart. I am blessed to call you friend. <3

  4. Sally Phoenix


    • Heather Joyes.

      Hi Sally, thank you for your encouragement. 🙂

  5. Rita

    Heather, your work has once again touched my heart deeply. What a beautiful reminder that no matter what is, God IS enough. Thank you Darlene, for sharing this.

  6. Heather Joyes.

    Thank you, Rita. Your continued support and insight is appreciated. Good health and blessings to you. <3


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