by Darlene L. Turner | Apr 1, 2013 | Mary Magdalene; resurrection of Christ; He's Alive | Still True Today
Margaret Mae stood at the entrance to the prison that held her beloved Joshua. Her boss and best friend was sentenced to life imprisonment for his supposed crimes. The trial was laced with false witnesses and tampered evidence. How could the courts convict someone as...
by Darlene L. Turner | Mar 25, 2013 | denied Christ three times, Peter, rooster crowed | Still True Today
Pierson held his hands over the fire raging in the metal drum. It was the middle of the day, but the sun still couldn’t warm his frozen body. He shivered despite the heat coming from the flames. He took in his surroundings. Other vagrants gathered in the alley. Two...
by Darlene L. Turner | Mar 18, 2013 | betrayed, crucifixion, Judas | Still True Today
Joakim hid in the shadows, fingering the flash drive in his pocket. He tapped his toe. Why weren’t they here yet? He peeked around the corner. The street was empty. Everyone had vacated this stretch of town. It wasn’t safe. A garbage can tipped behind him, causing...
by Darlene L. Turner | Mar 4, 2013 | Crime Scene Houston, DiAnn Mills, forgiveness, Joseph, The Chase, The Survivor | Still True Today
Ten years later Fresh-fallen snow glistened in the sun, blinding Jaedon. He grabbed his sunglasses and put them on. The tree branches lay close to the ground, heavy from the remnants of yesterday’s winter storm. He breathed in the air. He loved this time of year....
by Darlene L. Turner | Feb 25, 2013 | DiAnn Mills, Joseph, redeemed, The Chase, The Survivor | Still True Today
Jaedon’s knee bounced and perspiration beaded on his forehead. He’d been summoned from his prison to the boss’ mansion an hour ago. He waited in silence. Had he done something wrong to deserve another reprimand? It had been two weeks since the other prisoners left the...
by Darlene L. Turner | Feb 11, 2013 | DiAnn Mills, gifts, Joseph, The Chase | Still True Today
Jaedon peaked out the small crack in the woodshed. Armed men guarded all exits of the enormous compound where he was being held. No chance of escape. He plunked himself back into the chair by the rickety table. A rat scurried across the floorboards causing Jaedon to...