Award-winning Publishers Weekly Best-selling Author


“They want what?” Murray couldn’t believe his ears. How can they be so ungrateful? After everything he’d done to help free them from the owner’s backward way of thinking, this is how they repay him? He ran his fingers through his hair. “They’re asking for raises,”...

Hardened Hearts

Murray leafed through his final proposal one last time. He needed it to be sound to prove to Mr. Phelan that the workers were ready to go to the next phase. With each change, the owner had given him ten different reasons why he didn’t feel they were. Every time Murray...

Perseverance wins!

Murray crumbled the inter-office memo into a ball and threw it across the room. “How can the owner do this to us? After all we’ve accomplished?” Aiden slumped back in his chair. “I don’t know, but the workers aren’t happy. They’re wavering, Murray.” “What do you...

Who Am I?

“I can’t!” Murray shoved his hands in his pockets and kicked a stone, sending it flying across the gravel yard. “Who am I, but a measly worker?” The boss sighed. “You’re more than that. Take a look at these.” He held out a binder. Murray opened it. Praise from his...

The Doubter

Thurston slammed his hand on the conference table. “What? That can’t be!” “It’s true,” one of his co-workers said. “We’ve seen him.” He shook his head at the news of Joshua’s release. The others in their circle shared the information, but he just couldn’t believe it....

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