by Darlene L. Turner | Jun 4, 2012 | perspective, relationships, Soul Surfer | What If...
Amelia drummed her fingers on the stadium’s armrest. Her knees bounced as she waited for the synchronized swimmers to dazzle them. She had been looking forward to the show for months. Her mother placed a hand on Amelia’s knee. “Will you stop?” The fifteen year-old...
by Darlene L. Turner | Mar 12, 2012 | Darlene Turner, faith, judging, praising God, relationships | What If...
Sydney slammed her hand on the snooze button and turned over. Minutes later, its constant buzz drew her out of her dream stupor. She shoved the alarm clock to the floor. Was it that easy for her husband to push her aside for a younger woman? Tears rolled down her...
by Darlene L. Turner | Feb 13, 2012 | Darlene Turner, friendships, relationships, unconditional love, what if | What If...
Kim stared at the empty chair beside her. Tears flowed down her cheeks and dropped to the floor. How could she be gone? The laughter from the next cubicle invaded her space and she clenched her jaw. How could they be so chipper when one of their own was no longer with...
by Darlene L. Turner | Jan 9, 2012 | praising God, prayer, relationships, what if | What If...
Gabby bit her nails while waiting for Carla to take her first step. She knew her daughter was close, but something was holding her back. Could her baby be scared? Do they know fear that young? Carla wobbled as she took one hand away from the side of the couch. “Gabby,...
by Darlene L. Turner | Nov 7, 2011 | broken promises, Darlene Turner, dreams, homeless, inhibitions, judging, needy, praising God, protesting, relationships, unconditional love, what if | What If...
Eleanor walked into the church and slipped by the greeters unnoticed. She didn’t really want to be here, but promised Amy she would come hear her sing. Normally, she spent Sunday mornings cleaning. She looked at her watch. Couldn’t I be late, just this once? Not...