Award-winning Publishers Weekly Best-selling Author

Suspense Squad Fun Interview!

I’m so fortunate to have amazing friends who are also writers. We’ve developed strong bonds that will stand the test of these tough times. We learn from each other, brainstorm and write together. There is also laughter and tears mixed in there too! I am...

Writer’s Pruning Season

This blog first appeared on American Christian Fictions Writers. My Father examines every branch in Me and cuts away those who do not bear fruit. He leaves those bearing fruit and carefully prunes them so that they will bear more fruit. John 15:2 (VOICE) Every spring...

The Ultimate Story

Recently, my pastor did a series on evangelism and spoke on how we need to tell our stories to reach others for Christ. Our mandate is to go into the world and share the gospel. This made me think about why and what we write. Sometimes I get caught up in the writing...

Finding the Writer’s Voice – Guest Blog by DiAnn Mills

So happy to feature my mentor and friend, DiAnn Mills! Her newest novel, Burden of Proof, released on October 9th. Get your copy today! Take it away, DiAnn. ********************* When I was four, my mother took me to my first dancing class. I wanted to watch before I...

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